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About the Project


Hi there! My name is Sophie, and I am the girl behind the project. At 21, I have an Arts Degree in literature, history, film and social enterprise from Griffith University, as well as a pretty sweet job at my state’s writers’ centre. Needless to say, none of the opinions stated here have any sort of affiliation with either. You can find my personal & writerly blog over at

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at anowlishgirl at gmail dot com.

About the Project
I've always been a pretty intense lover of cinema. A lot of this can be pinned to a pretty intense love of stories and storytelling generally. I grew up reading, being read too, getting involved in literature as an experience, as a world of thought, and when I got a little older I started to view film as something that was just an extension of this. Film as book's spouse, its lover, and in that way it married itself to me as well.

I kind of got into this thing early last year where I wanted to re-educate myself in old things. I read a lot of classic literature - from Plato to Bronte, Franklin to Dark, James to Kerouac. I loved some of it (Dark especially) and hated some too (Dickens, weirdly). It was this learning curve in the best kinds of ways, and I found myself wanting to mirror the process with film. To dip my toe in the mise-en-scene of a hundred different genres and eras and to meet characters that I only knew through the remakes. I ended up deciding to do this by watching all the nominated Oscar films that I could get my hands on - to work my way through history from Wings to The Artist, and this is something that I'm edging towards, enjoying, and I figured that it could be a cool thing to share with people here. 

As a rule, I update with reviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the occasional Saturday surprise, and am currently reviewing the first Academy Awards.


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About Me

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Sophie Overett is a 22-year-old writer from Brisbane, Australia. She has a propensity for thermal singlets, white wine and making bios sound like terrible dating profiles. Her work has been published in Voiceworks and Writing Queensland. She’s also a fortnightly online columnist for Lip Mag where she writes about representations of women on TV. She has two cats and a blog. You should probably check out that last one.
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